im体育APP performs PFAS testing to precisely measure their presence in 水, 土壤, 废物, 泡沫, 混凝土和更多. Our team support you by identifying PFAS compounds in parts per trillion to mitigate environmental contamination and protect human health.



Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large group of synthetic organofluorine chemicals that have been widely used in industry and manufacturing since the 1940s, 包括不粘锅等应用, stain-repellent服装, 快餐包装, 美容化妆, 还有消防泡沫. They are found at many manufacturing and waste/waste水 treatment facilities as well as in the wider environment.

All PFAS have at least one fully fluorinated methyl (–CF3) or methylene (–CF2–) group, with the carbon-fluorine bonds (C–F) imparting high thermal stability and resistance to degradation, 使它们在各种各样的产品中都很有用.



PFAS化合物具有持久性和生物蓄积性, 这意味着它们不会在环境中分解, 并且可以很容易地迁移到空气中, 水, 土壤, 和食物. They are often known as 'forever chemicals' and are attracting widespread interest due to their harmful effects on human health.

随着对PFAS化合物的认识的出现, regulatory interest often focused on Perfluorooctanesulphonic Acid (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), 两种最常用的PFAS物质. However there are >5,000个已知PFAS和监管范围, 客户需求和分析能力, 正在迅速扩张.



  • 综合分析: im体育APP提供跨不同样品的PFAS测试, 包括水, 土壤, 空气, 消费产品, 和更多的.
  • 低级的检测: 利用先进技术, im体育APP achieves detection levels in the parts per trillion range, ensuring precise identification even at trace concentrations.
  • 监管依从性: 所有测试都遵循美国环保署的方法, with ISO17025 accreditation for low-level PFAS testing in 水域, 确保符合公认的标准.
  • 目标物质清单: 50种物质的im体育APP测试, aligning with EU Drinking 水 Directive and DWI requirements, 满足法规和特定客户的需求. We offer customized method development to identify PFAS substances not on target lists.
  • 先进的设备: 最近对先进设备的投资, 如Agilent 1290 HPLC 6495三重四极杆质谱, 确保结果准确. Our laboratories are ISO 17025 accredited, enhancing the reliability of results.



We work closely with customers to deliver on the analyses to quantify PFAS compounds in the parts per trillion range. All testing is based on USEPA methodologies, samples include:

  • 土壤
  • 浪费 产品
  • 消防泡沫
  • 混凝土

im体育APP提供了PFAS液相色谱检测, 结合串联质谱法, 自2015年以来. im体育APP’s Deeside(英国) laboratory has recently invested in an Agilent 1290 HPLC 6495 Triple Quadrupole MS, which can achieve the required regulatory detection levels without requirement for additional sample preparation. Deeside holds ISO17025 accreditation for the testing of Low Level PFAS in 水域.

PFAS compounds need to be quantified in the parts per trillion range, 需要高度敏感的测试方法. Our team are experienced in meeting these stringent detection levels. In addition, we also offer the Total Oxidisable Precursor Assay, or ‘TOP’ assay. 这可以在土壤上进行, 水域, 还有消防泡沫, and is a more comprehensive analysis technique for identifying the presence of some other PFAS or precursors not included in the target list.




With more than 5,000 known PFAS compounds, the regulatory landscape is complex and rapidly expanding. Our experienced team support clients by conducting comprehensive testing across an expanding range of matrices, 跟上不断变化的法规.

We currently offer a target list of 50 substances which has been developed to include those 20 PFAS detailed within Annex III of EU Drinking 水 Directive 2020/2184, 英格兰 & Wales Drinking 水 Inspectorate (DWI) Annex A – List of 47 PFAS substances required for monitoring and others routinely requested by our clients.



We are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation 服务 (UKAS) to ISO 17025:2017 for a wide range of matrices including 土壤s, 地表水和地下水, 废水, 空气, 石油产品, 海洋沉积物中, 吸着剂管, 以及叠加发射样本. The UKAS accreditation is recognized globally under the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) mutual recognition arrangement.

关于PFAS, Deeside participates in the proficiency testing scheme offered by ERA, 题为“饮用水供应计划”. ERA are accredited to ISO/IEC17043:2010 (A2LA Certificate of Accreditation number 1539.01).

im体育APP offers advice on field sampling methodologies and techniques to minimise the risk of cross contamination, provide appropriate sample containers along with field blanks, 去离子水等. We organize local and international sample collections from sites or offices and offer fast turnarounds for your urgent samples. 更多信息请im体育APP.

FAQ: Our laboratory team answers your most frequently asked PFAS questions

了解更多 about PFA compounds including the two primary classes; polymers and nonpolymers, 以及它们的子类, 组, 和子组. Also, discover the uses of PFAS and how the substances are regulated.

这次采访发生在2023年 Deeside's 环境 Laboratory Technical Director, Clare Llowarch.


Article: PFAS contamination in food from food 包装 materials

食品包装中的PFAS化学物质可以迁移到食品中, 尤其是当食物容器, 包装 and wrappers that contain PFAS are exposed to fatty, 咸, 或者酸性食物. 

在这篇文章中,Andrew Kolbert, Sr. 领袖, 技术解决方案, 提供PFAS的授权用途, 自愿逐步淘汰材料, 最新的规定, 以及测试的重要性.





im体育APP’s 土壤 testing and analysis services include the analysis of 土壤s, 沉积物, wastes and leachates to determine the level of nutrients and identify any contamination


废水检测 & 分析

im体育APP is your trusted partner for specialist 水 distribution services and waste水 analysis, providing quality and accurate results that help you meet regulatory requirements.



Find out how our hazardous materials experts help our customers properly manage and dispose of any hazardous waste.



An article explaining the latest updates to the Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking 水 Quality as of February 2020.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.