
5G New Radio - Radio Access Technology for 5G

5G New Radio is different from today’s networks:

5G是服务提供商第一次能够定制无线连接,这在物联网方面尤为重要. 通过利用5G,运营商能够在各种连接设备上提供大量不同的服务. In fact, 5G同样擅长处理机器对机器(M2M)和人与人之间的通信.

5G NR设备需要满足性能和时延要求, match deployment models, and be compliant to regulations. With 5G, 运营商终于可以通过定制化的网络“切片”提供差异化的网络服务。. This could mean big money for carriers. According to ABI Research“网络切片可以为5G网络运营商带来高达660亿美元的收入。”.

Predecessors to 5G NR: eMBB, uRLLC & mMTC

无线连接主要分为三个部分, with more specialized slices coming in the future. The initial three categories are:

Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB): 专注于需要大量带宽的数据密集型应用程序, like video streaming, or virtual reality-based immersive gaming.

超可靠和低延迟通信(uRLLC) – This is for important, latency-sensitive, 要求极高可靠性的关键业务, availability, and security; some examples include autonomous driving, real-time cellular drone communications, and Tactile Internet applications like remote surgery.

大规模机器类型通信(mMTC)或“大规模物联网”这是为了满足低成本和低能耗的设备或传感器的需求,这些设备或传感器只需要少量的数据. 这种服务是大规模的,比如智能城市. 它们的电池通常需要使用数年甚至数十年,而且很难获得, so low power is a priority.

New Requirements for 5G New Radio

软件和设备制造商需要构建适用于多家运营商的解决方案, 运营商需要建立相互连接的网络, 所以每个人都需要在同一套指令下工作. 这就是im体育平台app下载标准组织3GPP通过正式确定5G NR规格而发挥作用的地方. 

独立NR是针对那些计划使用5G NR技术构建全新网络的提供商的规范. 一些运营商选择从头开始建设更多的网络基础设施.  独立系统极大地提高了移动宽带的速度和容量, 但这些好处是以新建基站为代价的, backhaul mechanisms, and a core network.

Other non-telecom players build their own 5G IoT networks from the ground up, 为大规模机器通信铺平了道路, which could support up to one million devices in a single square kilometer. We continue moving towards the internet of EVERYTHING.

Breaking Ground: Building 5G NR

With plans finally in place, 运营商正专注于建设他们的5G NR网络, and they have a lot of work ahead. 5G networks are a lot more complex than 4G, 由于所有的专业功能,他们必须提供跨不同的频谱. 实现这一切所需的部件包括从连接毫米波频谱的波束形成天线在内的一切, 到为5G智能手机和其他设备设计的调制解调器必须能够协商的数万种载波聚合(CA) RF频率组合. 运营商需要有合适的工具来取得成功.

Evolution of 5G NR Continues

Release 16及以后的版本将专注于将移动生态系统扩展到新的领域——新的服务类型 & devices, deployment models, and new spectrum bands. 我们将看到对智能技术和5G设备的更多需求, from Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications and satellite access to video streaming services; there is even 5G for new verticals like taxi dispatching, railway traffic management, and maritime…the list is almost endless. 为这些新服务制定标准将有助于降低部署成本并确保更高的可靠性.

5G Devices

We’re entering an exciting era of 5G capabilities, and while carriers are getting their networks ready, 手机设计师正专注于开发下一个“大事件”。. 这些昂贵的机型具有增强现实等功能, virtual reality, 3-D video calls, and even holograms. Of course, there will be a tsunami of new sensors, 芯片组和其他物联网设备也将进入市场.

一些有问题的手机、应用程序或传感器可能会对无线网络造成严重破坏. 确保所有这些新连接的“东西”正常工作需要深入的测试. Element’s state-of-the-art labs in California, Maryland, and Texas are busier than ever in evaluating 5G, carrier conformance, and other mobile device testing services, such as SAR. Element helps to find solutions that help CSPs, manufacturers, 监管机构对这些新设备进行了测试.

5G NR业务将给网络带来巨大的性能压力. Therefore, 运营商需要评估他们的整个网络和当前的软件系统,以确定在5G新空口时代一切将如何发展. 这意味着要密切关注无线电计划之类的事情, service assurance, network optimization and analytics, device testing, and more.


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